Train Smarter with injuries…Chest day! -by Thanh Le

ImageThis week I’ve been talking about injuries that I have or have had throughout my 10+ years of training. I’ve learned to train smarter after enduring so many injuries, both acute and chronic. In bodybuilding, you are focused on developing your muscles, so strength and the amount of weight you lift should not be the most important thing in your training routine. To continue to grow, you need to constantly shock your muscles.

Due to injuries, a lot of exercises had to be taken out of my training regimen, and others slightly modified. For instance, flat barbell bench press puts a lot of stress on my shoulders and low back, so to modify that a little I will do smith machine barbell bench press with the bench inclined about 15 degrees.  Focus on your form, and if you do go heavy, only do what you KNOW you can handle.

Today’s chest routine is a mixture of heavy weight, moderate weight, and explosive movements. An hour before my workout, I always have half a serving of PROLAB N-Large3. This keeps me from feeling too full and bloated from an actual meal and has a mix of proteins and complex carbs to fuel my workout. 30min later I have my pre-workout energy cocktail…PROLAB Quick Fire for energy and mental focus, Beta Alanine Extreme to delay muscle fatigue and have longer intense workouts, Glutamine and BCAA Plus reduce and prevent muscle catabolism while giving the muscles a kick start to recovery.

Stretch out and warmup properly.

Incline Barbell Bench Press (Pyramiding Weight Up) – 1 x 12 , 1 x 10, 1 x 4-6, 1 x 16(same weight as first set, first 8 reps close grip, next 8 wide grip)

SuperSet: Pec Dec Flye with Flat(10-15degree incline) DB Bench Press – 3 x 10-12, 1 x 15

Decline Hammer Strength Machine – 1 x 15, 2 x 12, 1 x 8

Super Set: Cable Crossover with Explosive Flying pushup(for  beginners, explode and fly up with just your hands onto stacked weights. Advanced can explode and flyup with both hands and feet onto stacked weights)  – 4 x 10-12

Hope you guys enjoy the workout. Train Smart, Train Hard, and Keep it Intense!

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