3 Techniques to Increase Fat Burning & Intensity During Workouts -by Charles Turner

We are always looking to get the most out of our workouts. After all who wouldn’t want to maximize their time and effort in the gym? Below are three methods I use when getting ready for a competition to increase calorie expenditure and fat loss. Give these techniques a shot and you’ll be on the way to the body you want, and perhaps the best shape of your life!

Tabata’s:  This training method is so simple, yet so incredibly difficult. The concept is simple but not for the faint of heart: take one exercise and perform it in the following manner:

  1.  For twenty seconds, do as many repetitions as possible
  2. Rest for ten seconds
  3. Repeat seven more times!

You can go out and purchase a tabata timer, or you can go online and download to your smart phone.

Interval Training:  Interval Training is based on the very simple concept: go fast then go slow. Repeat.  It can be performed on any cardiovascular machine (including the treadmill, stair machine, stationary bike, elliptical machine, ect.) An example of a cardio interval would be sprinting the length of a track and walking the width. Another example would be sprinting all out on a treadmill for 30-45 seconds and walking a minute. One more example would be running to the top of stadium bleachers and walking the steps down. When you get creative and put your own spin on it the variations are endless!

Tri Sets:  Tri sets are basically a mini circuit training workout; Tri-sets are great for full body workouts and split body routines as well. An added benefit of Tri Sets is that you’ll do a greater amount of work in a shorter amount of time, leading greater calorie expenditure and more fat loss.  When setting up a Tri Set workout generally, try to alternate a pushing exercise with a pulling exercise, or an upper body movement with a lower body one.  You pick three different exercises per tri set and perform them in succession. Keep your rest period between exercises to 30 seconds and under. Adjust rest periods accordingly… it’s going to be based on your conditioning level so when starting out… pace yourself. Rest 60-90 seconds between each tri set, repeat 3-5 times   Add them to your strength training and resistance workouts and you’ll up your intensity, lose fat and increase your  cardio capacity. Not a bad trade off!

Obviously having the right nutrition and supplement strategy is going to help the process. To get the most of your workouts try this: Take 1 scoop PROLAB Whey Isolate, 2 tablespoons Liquid L-Carnitine, and 1 serving Advance Caffeine 60 minutes prior to your workout. The combination will provide you with the lean muscle, and fat loss support you need. 1) PROLAB Whey Isolate taken prior to workout will help prevent muscle breakdown, and control cortisol levels. 2) PROLAB Advanced caffeine will increase thermogenesis, increasing calorie expenditure during your workout. 3) PROLAB Liquid L-Carnitine will increase physical performance by burning more fat, sparing glycogen, and increasing anabolic hormone response- which will increase strength, leading to heavier weights and more lean muscle.

So give these techniques and supplement plan a try. It might be just what you need help to reach your fitness goals!

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