Tag Archives: Central East Regionals

Jessica Clay Recaps the CrossFit Central East Regionals

CrossFit Regionals, WOW! What an amazing and memorable experience. All I can say is that I cannot wait until next year! But until then there’s a lot of things I would do differently going into next year as training goes. But we all live and learn and all I can do is take this experience and grow from it.

I would say once Day 1 started, I wasn’t feeling my best physically or mentally.  But I kept it moving and was able to make it thru the workouts.  I hit my goals of competing through Sunday and making sure I didn’t get any DNF’s – did not finish.  Simply finishing the workout is such a huge accomplishment and there were lots of men & women who were unable to complete their workouts.  So I was very happy & proud t o achieve this goal!

The Regional contests are very similar to a typical CrossFit workout.  A set of workouts will be chosen and whoever finishes the workout first wins.  The workouts are called WOD’s or workouts of the day – and each WOD is typically given a female name.  Some of the common CrossFit WOD’s include Fran, Diane, and Elizabeth – but there are several.

There are some WOD’s that I am able to complete with ease and others that are more challenging.  When contest time came the WOD’s where I typically do exceptionally well, my body just shut down.  But when it came to the WOD’s I was most concerned about, I completely surprised myself.

My experience with the WOD’s at Regionals was certainly bitter sweet, but these are the experiences every athlete should have in order to better themselves.  As far as the event itself, I have never been to a sporting event where it is run so smoothly and timely. The judges were fantastic as well as the spectators. Everyone was so helpful!

Below I will explain each WOD and my experience in the WOD:


WOD 1 – “Diane”
3 sets, 2 movements:  1st set 21 reps, 2nd set 15 reps, & 3rd set 9 reps – fastest time wins
Deadlifts 155lbs
Handstand push-ups

So the process would be 21 deadlifts then 21 handstand push-ups, then so on, 15/15, 9/9, and the fastest time wins.

This should have been my event, I completed this workout a couple weeks prior and I smoked it. But come game day, my arms failed me. Next year will be a different story as far as training goes, and I can guarantee that’ll never happen again.

Fastest time wins
Row 2000 meters
50 one-legged squats, alternating  legs (in CrossFit we call one-legged squats “Pistols”)
30 hang cleans 135lbs

Not only is this a long WOD to watch, it’s a hard one to complete!  The 2000 meter row and 50 squats were the easy part for me and were simply a matter of pacing myself.  But the 135lbs hang cleans were pretty heavy!  I was stoked to pull off just enough to move on – and the fact that I had just learned the movement a couple of weeks prior, made me even more proud!


Four rounds of 10 one-armed dumbbell snatches at 70lbs

This WOD I was frightened of, as I had just learned this movement as well and was cramming my practice time up until day before.  At the last minute I got the hang of it. I was hoping on game day to get 10 to be able move on, but I got 22!  I was pleasantly surprised.

50 back squats 95lbs, 40 pull-ups, 30 shoulder to overhead  presses 95lbs
50 front squats 65lbs, 40 pull-ups, 30 shoulder to overhead  presses 65lbs
50 overhead squats 45lbs, 40 pull-ups, 30 shoulder to overhead presses 45lbs

I was super excited to do this WOD, but I just knew going into it that it wasn’t going to be easy. I did this WOD in practice and completed with a time of 17:28; come game day my back cramped and all I could do was my best 😉


Snatch ladder with double-unders

You start with 20 double-unders.  Double unders are performed when the participant needs to jump up higher than usual while swinging the rope twice under their feet.  The jump rope passes twice (DOUBLE) below the feet (UNDER).

Next you approach the snatch.  With a wide grip on the bar, start from the ground and snatch the bar above your head – keeping your hips and legs locked; then you drop when the judge says it’s good.

Then you continue on with 20 more double unders and then snatch. You have 50 seconds to complete each round and 10 seconds to move on to next weight.  The ladder started with 105 then went to 115 and kept going up. I made it to 115. I was happy with that.

This WOD is a long one, so here’s the link 😉 http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/regionals-individual

I would have enjoyed this workout but they took the top 18 and I placed 24th.

As far as next year goals, they are set high! I am happy to of made it this far in our region. Our region I believe is the most competitive region in the 5-state area. We have many females and males that have been to the CrossFit games. So making it in this region is even more rewarding knowing you’re competing with the best of the best.