Tag Archives: Jessica Clay

The 2013 CrossFit Season –by Jessica Clay


The CrossFit Open is getting closer, only three months away and I am feeling ready! This year’s Open Registration starts Jan 30, with the Open going from March 6 to April 7.

“As the growth of the worldwide CrossFit community explodes, the 2013 season promises to be the biggest and best yet. In 2011, more than 26,000 athletes registered for the Open. In 2012, that number jumped to almost 70,000 participants. Think six figures this year. It will be simultaneously the fiercest and most inclusive competition we’ve ever seen.

The structure of the 2013 season is nearly identical to last year. The worldwide Open will lead into the same 17 Regionals, and the same number of athletes will qualify from each region to the Games.” Courtesy of CrossFit.com

Some of my Olympic lifting improvements over the past several months include personal records executing the following exercises:

  • Clean & Jerk
  • Snatch
  • Deadlift
  • Front & Back Squat

Metcon PR’s:

  • FRAN
  • Weighted FRAN
  • Elizabeth
  • Nate
  • Karen
  • Diane
  • Annie etc.

What is a Metcon?

Metcon is short for Metabolic Conditioning.  Metabolic Conditioning is an intense circuit-style workout that is one of the most popular training methods used in the CrossFit industry today. Metcon utilizes a combination of strength training exercises and anaerobic conditioning drills. Workouts may be timed (and usually are) with circuits consisting of 4 to 10 exercises performed in multiple rounds, with very little rest.

The goal of a Metcon is to complete your workout or circuit as quickly as possible while maintaining proper form and staying near your anaerobic threshold. This maximizes the challenge and your energy expenditure.

All of my skills have improved as well, so I am excited about this upcoming season!  Stay tuned for updates!

Jessica Clay Discusses CrossFit Endurance

_LBX0268What is CrossFit Endurance?

Do you do triathlons? Do you do Ironman’s? Are you a biker? Do you run 5k/10k/marathons/ultra-marathons, etc? If you answered yes to any of these questions than this information is for you!

“CrossFit Endurance (CFE) is new standard in endurance sports training that utilizes the fundamentals of strength & conditioning, interval training, and stamina to enhance performance in endurance competition. CFE combines all 10 elements of conditioning/fitness along with (endurance) sports-specific programming to create an athlete that is more powerful, faster and can recover quicker.

Why are there no long runs/rides/swims (aerobic training) in this type of training?

Long runs/rides/swims fall into the category of training we term “long slow distance” (LSD) and is solely aerobic in nature. Aerobic training has the following benefits and drawbacks:


  • Increased cardiovascular function
  • Better fat utilization
  • Greater capillarization
  • Increased Mitochondrial growth


  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Decreased strength
  • Decreased power
  • Decreased speed
  • Decreased anaerobic capacity
  • Decreased testosterone levels

It is apparent that the many drawbacks of LSD training easily overpower the limited benefits. It is our contention that limiting an athlete’s exposure to LSD training will allow them to remain not only functionally competent in other areas of fitness and competitive in aerobic endurance pursuits, but DOMINATE in ALL areas of fitness.”  Information courtesy of CrossFit Endurance: http://www.crossfitendurance.com/faq/

As an avid CrossFitter I am looking forward in utilizing the CrossFit Endurance program to benefit my training specifically for CrossFit. I am excited to see how following this program will help lower my times on my CF workouts. I have done triathlons and numerous distance races before I started crossfitting, I wish I would have been aware of this program back then. But now I will focus this program to benefit me as a CrossFitter while simultaneously becoming an endurance athlete.

Some products I currently take for CrossFit and CrossFit Endurance are:

EO2 EDGE by MRI (PROLAB’s sister company): is a specialized design that meets six critical factors of endurance and is the perfect choice for pre, intra, and post-performance fueling to meet the demands of high-intensity, long duration bouts of exercise and competition.

EO2 Benefits:

  • Efficient Fuel for Active Muscles
  •  Optimal Blood Flow
  • Natural RBC Support for Peak O2 Availability
  • Muscle Recovery from Training Induced Stress
  • Optimal Muscle Contractions and Increased Time to Exhaustion
  • Restoration of Body-Hydrating FluidsPost Workout:

PROLAB’s BCAA Plus: is a muscle-preserving formula made up of the essential amino acids L-Leucine, L-Valine and L-Isoleucine known as branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). Unlike other amino acids, BCAAs are immediately utilized by the muscle and are a preferred fuel for energy during training. BCAA PLUS delivers a flow of replenishing BCAAs that can help to counter muscle tissue depletion and fuel new growth. BCAA PLUS has been fortified with Vitamin C to attack free radicals and Vitamin B6 helps to further support protein metabolism and energy production.

PROLAB Glutamine

Beta-Alanine Extreme: delays muscle fatigue and help extend high intensity training sessions with a dynamic blend of CarnoSyn® Beta Alanine and the amino acid L-Histidine. Beta Alanine floods the muscles with the specialized amino acid carnosine to work as a buffer against lactic acid buildup helping to allow higher intensity for a longer period of time before fatigue sets in. BETA ALANINE EXTREME also supports prolonged stamina and can help reduce muscle soreness both during and after training allowing for faster recovery time between sets and between workouts

Fish Oils


I get my supplements from: http://www.prolab.com/ or also Vitamin Shoppe sells their supplements. The above link will give you a description of each supplement.

Lastly I use in the morning and post workout, PROLAB Whey protein.

Never Too Old for CrossFit –by Jessica Clay

Jessica Clay_CrossFitAm I too old for CrossFit?”  This is a question that I am asked frequently – or I’ll hear “I’m too old for CrossFit, that’s for young folks.” My answer/response is there is no such thing as too old. That is the wrong way to think about CrossFit. CrossFit is scalable for anyone and everyone from the elite athlete all the way to the senior citizen.

At CrossFit Polaris our programming is scaled to fit your specific goals and abilities, you will learn and practice fundamental movements at you own speed, pace and ability. You will inevitably make progress just like anyone else will, but your pace is your own.

CrossFit will enable you to thrive regardless of your age.  With continuous practice you will gain physical strength that will help with everyday activities and allow you to be prepared for whatever life throws at you!  According to some researchers, you can continue to gain benefits from CrossFit all the way up to the age of 80 and beyond!

At any age CrossFit will benefit these 10 areas of importance in everyone’s life:

  1. Cardiovascular and respiratory endurance
  2. Strength
  3. Stamina
  4. Power
  5. Flexibility
  6. Speed
  7. Agility
  8. Coordination
  9. Accuracy
  10. Balance

If you haven’t already, give CrossFit a shot!

11 Reasons Why Women Should Do CrossFit -by Jessica Clay

1. CrossFit is Quick. We are all busy, it takes an hour out of your day to do a warm-up, skill/strength and a WOD (workout of the day), and mobility. All of that in one hour, WOW!
2. CrossFit Builds Confidence. When you are healthy, strong and fit, you have more confidence inside and outside of the gym.
3. CrossFit Strengthens. CrossFit utilizes Olympic style lifting, with the correct form women can lift heavy weight and move weight they never thought possible. Women, this will not make you bulky, but yes it will firm and tone those muscles! You’ll see an increase in strength and functional fitness, so your everyday activity you do throughout the day will be easier.
4. CrossFit Increases Your Metabolism. Added muscle will also help to boost your metabolic rate, which will greatly increase your fat loss progress.
5. CrossFit Enhances Your Cardiovascular Fitness. Crossfit style of workouts are much more  like interval training workouts, which bring about higher increases in your cardiovascular fitness and also increases your metabolic rate.
6. CrossFit Improves Core Strength. Most movements in CrossFit are compound movements which will build core strength, aka ABS!
7. CrossFit With Friends. Friendships are created, couples workout together, CF gyms are a great place to build and create lifelong friendships!
8. CrossFit Empowers. Many women start at a CF gym to lose weight but as time evolves women realize how awesome it is to feel and be STRONG!
9. CrossFit is FUN. CrossFit is constantly varied, there is always something new to be learned, nothing is the same boring routine. CrossFit is a community and there are always fun events and challenges going on. Nothing better than great friends, community, being healthy, and working out together and pushing each other!
10. CrossFit is Your Future Investment. I want to be fit after I have kids and bounce back to being fit, I want to be able to have energy for my kids as a mother/father, I don’t want to have bone density issues. I want to feel strong and healthy forever. This is a lifelong investment!
11. CrossFit is the Best Workout of Your Life. I hear this all the time, once you start you will never stop. Best workout EVER!!

PROLAB Athlete Jessica Clay Opens CrossFit Polaris

I’m co-owner at a new CrossFit gym, CrossFit Polaris! This is such an exciting opportunity to be a part of as CrossFit has become a huge part of my life and it’s something I love to do and now I can share my passion with others and help others achieve their goals.

CrossFit Polaris officially opened August 6, and is located at 8692 Olde Worthington Rd., Westerville, Ohio in a 6,000 square foot warehouse gym that is 100% strictly Crossfit. We do one thing- uncommonly well, we present pure, straightforward CrossFit programming, excellent coaching, and personal attention in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

CrossFit Polaris takes an innovative, integrated approach towards attaining real world fitness and our fitness program is the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. With a high emphasis on functional movement, proper nutrition guidance, corrective flexibility techniques, and adequate recovery: our goal is to help you move better, feel better and enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

Our classes are designed to accommodate a range of CrossFit athletes from games competitors to newbies. The classes will usually start with a dynamic warm-up that is designed to start preparing your body for the WOD (Work Out of the Day). We will then go into a skill session or strength session or both. Skill sessions are used to learn and progress competency in common CrossFit movements. Strength sessions are just that; to develop power and strength. We finish the session with a WOD. Our WODs are constantly varied and always changing. Some days will include max load, long distance run, or max rounds. The idea is to keep your body always guessing.

Some added benefits at CrossFit Polaris, we will have a Pro Shop on location and eventually via web site where you can purchase CFP apparel.  CFP will be a distributor of PROLAB Products, www.PROLAB.com, so members as well as non-members can come directly to CFP to purchase PROLAB supplements. So many crossfitters are requesting BCAA Plus, Beta Alanine Extreme and the best protein in the world, Whey Isolate Protein Powder (strawberry is my favorite).

The PROLAB supplements that we will be offering in the Pro Shop will be:

  • Whey Isolate Protein Powder
  • BCAA Plus
  • Beta Alanine Extreme®
  • Glutamine Powder
  • Quick Fire®
  • Cuts II® Gold

Also, every Saturday at CFP I will handout free PROLAB samples and we will have a monthly winner for FREE PROLAB supplements!  We had our first winner this past weekend and Cory Beaver was the winner.

He received:

  • BCAA Plus
  • Beta Alanine Extreme®
  • Creatine Monohydrate
  • 2 Quick Fire®

Labor day weekend I will have another winner for PROLAB with the prize being Beta Alanine Extreme and Quick Fire. Winners of PROLAB products will vary per activity, event, giveaway, website promotion or someone getting a PR (personal record) or making a significant health & fitness goal. The winner this month will be based on a reliable, hard-working individual that deserves to be recognized in the CrossFit community and a great role model at CFP.

I look forward in sharing CFP winners of PROLAB products with you! Testimonials to come of how CFP winners of PROLAB products has help their CF performance.

Quick Fire for CrossFit -by Jessica Clay

ImageI love PROLAB’s Fruit Punch QuickFire! After a super long day at work and I am on my way to the gym and I am in need for a little burst of energy, I always drink this.

It gives me the perfect amount of energy that I need to perform at my best. It helps with my explosiveness when doing my WODs, whether it’s box jumps, sprints, heavy lifts and even burpees! My intensity is certainly elevated to perform great WOD times as well as set personal records.

I have tried many different pre-workout drinks and this one never gives me the shakes or leaves me feeling funny or I never crash. I would highly recommend QuickFire.

The Ohio Fit Club Games -by Jessica Clay

ImageI will be participating in the Columbus, Ohio Fit Club Games, August 5th, which is held right downtown in the park, pretty nifty setting http://ohiofitclub.com/fcgames/.

These community events are so much fun when the whole community comes together and spends an entire day together doing WOD’s (Workouts of the Day).  It’s run pretty much run like any other CrossFit event but this will be an all day event with 4 WOD’s as opposed to an all weekend event.

These community events bring people from all walks of life. Anyone can sign up, just like you would at a race.  You will find people from every fitness level, from beginners to elite.

Every year, there is always a memorable exercise that keeps people intrigued for the following year.  Last year the challenge was the Curtis P marathon.

To execute a Curtis P requires 3 moves: a clean, a front left lunge and a front right lunge, followed by an over head press; these 3 moves = 1 repetition.

Curtis P’s are usually executed with a barbell.  Here is an example of a Curtis P you can view on YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLff8fhPIQg

Last year we did a ton of these! So I can only imagine what this year will bring!

I will be looking forward to this CrossFit event & representing PROLAB there!

Workout of the Day (WOD) -by Jessica Clay

ImageA CrossFit workout is basically a set of exercises grouped together.  A lot of these workouts are given female names.   Some of the most popular include Fran and Diane.

If you click on this link http://www.crossfit.com/cf-info/faq.html#Exercises0 and then click on the link that says 4.1. Explain The Workouts with Names (the Girls) a complete list of exercises & descriptions will be provided.

One of my favorite WOD’s is called “Annie“.  It includes 5 rounds (super sets) and each round includes double unders and situps.  In jump rope, a double under is the rope passing under your feet twice with one jump.

The 1st set includes 50 double unders followed by 50 situps.  The 2nd includes 40 double unders followed by 40 situps.   The 3rd set includes 30 double unders and 30 situps.  The 4th set is 20 double unders followed by 20 situps and last but not least 10 double unders followed by 10 sit ups.  This WOD is a personal favorite because it can easily be done at home.

Another one of my favorite WOD’s is called “FRAN”.  Fran is made up of 3 rounds; each round includes 65lb thrusters and pull-ups.   To do a thruster imagine an individual holding a barbell at their chest.  The individual would then go into a full squat – return to the standing position – and then press the barbell over their head.  Click here to view a demonstration on thrusters:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OhqIGYqELk .

For this particular workout the 1st round includes 21 thrusters and 21 pull-ups.  The 2nd round includes 15 thrusters and 15 pull-ups and the final round includes 9 thrusters & 9 pull-ups.  And of course, the fastest to complete all 3 rounds wins!  I love this WOD because it’s a leg and lung burner, when you are done you are on your back flat, I love that feeling!

CrossFit: Back At It! -by Jessica Clay

ImageAfter several months of CrossFit training I took a few weeks off after Regionals to let my body heal and to let my mind refresh.  I’m now ready to start a new season motivated and ready to go.

I started back up with CrossFit last week.  I’ve thought about my training over the past several months and I feel I have a new and different game plan moving forward.

Some things I intend on changing up a bit is playing with my diet and leaning out a bit.  I do not follow a Paleo diet which is a traditional CrossFit style of diet.  You can read more about it here: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/what-is-the-paleo-diet.html

I really want to focus on getting enough food to give me the proper energy I need to perform.  I also want to focus on getting in all my veggies, so I am looking into a super clean diet that will keep me going while looking leaner. I also plan on doing some isolated muscle training to gain strength in areas of weakness. I plan on spending a lot of time perfecting Olympic lifting, this was something I did not like to do, but over the past couple months I have started to enjoy perfecting the movements.

Lastly, I plan on spending a lot of time with my coaches on learning to “GAME” or rather strategize when it comes to game time!

As of right now I am so excited to go into the CrossFit gym to workout with all my friends and start working on all the other things I have missed while preparing for Regionals. I am also excited to get my endurance back up as well and do some endurance training –which is my favorite (sprints, track work, stairs, sled-pulls, etc).

Throughout this summer there are numerous events I will be doing locally within the CrossFit industry.  They are so much fun because we get the opportunity to kick butt together as a community.  Stay tuned! 

Jessica Clay Recaps the CrossFit Central East Regionals

CrossFit Regionals, WOW! What an amazing and memorable experience. All I can say is that I cannot wait until next year! But until then there’s a lot of things I would do differently going into next year as training goes. But we all live and learn and all I can do is take this experience and grow from it.

I would say once Day 1 started, I wasn’t feeling my best physically or mentally.  But I kept it moving and was able to make it thru the workouts.  I hit my goals of competing through Sunday and making sure I didn’t get any DNF’s – did not finish.  Simply finishing the workout is such a huge accomplishment and there were lots of men & women who were unable to complete their workouts.  So I was very happy & proud t o achieve this goal!

The Regional contests are very similar to a typical CrossFit workout.  A set of workouts will be chosen and whoever finishes the workout first wins.  The workouts are called WOD’s or workouts of the day – and each WOD is typically given a female name.  Some of the common CrossFit WOD’s include Fran, Diane, and Elizabeth – but there are several.

There are some WOD’s that I am able to complete with ease and others that are more challenging.  When contest time came the WOD’s where I typically do exceptionally well, my body just shut down.  But when it came to the WOD’s I was most concerned about, I completely surprised myself.

My experience with the WOD’s at Regionals was certainly bitter sweet, but these are the experiences every athlete should have in order to better themselves.  As far as the event itself, I have never been to a sporting event where it is run so smoothly and timely. The judges were fantastic as well as the spectators. Everyone was so helpful!

Below I will explain each WOD and my experience in the WOD:


WOD 1 – “Diane”
3 sets, 2 movements:  1st set 21 reps, 2nd set 15 reps, & 3rd set 9 reps – fastest time wins
Deadlifts 155lbs
Handstand push-ups

So the process would be 21 deadlifts then 21 handstand push-ups, then so on, 15/15, 9/9, and the fastest time wins.

This should have been my event, I completed this workout a couple weeks prior and I smoked it. But come game day, my arms failed me. Next year will be a different story as far as training goes, and I can guarantee that’ll never happen again.

Fastest time wins
Row 2000 meters
50 one-legged squats, alternating  legs (in CrossFit we call one-legged squats “Pistols”)
30 hang cleans 135lbs

Not only is this a long WOD to watch, it’s a hard one to complete!  The 2000 meter row and 50 squats were the easy part for me and were simply a matter of pacing myself.  But the 135lbs hang cleans were pretty heavy!  I was stoked to pull off just enough to move on – and the fact that I had just learned the movement a couple of weeks prior, made me even more proud!


Four rounds of 10 one-armed dumbbell snatches at 70lbs

This WOD I was frightened of, as I had just learned this movement as well and was cramming my practice time up until day before.  At the last minute I got the hang of it. I was hoping on game day to get 10 to be able move on, but I got 22!  I was pleasantly surprised.

50 back squats 95lbs, 40 pull-ups, 30 shoulder to overhead  presses 95lbs
50 front squats 65lbs, 40 pull-ups, 30 shoulder to overhead  presses 65lbs
50 overhead squats 45lbs, 40 pull-ups, 30 shoulder to overhead presses 45lbs

I was super excited to do this WOD, but I just knew going into it that it wasn’t going to be easy. I did this WOD in practice and completed with a time of 17:28; come game day my back cramped and all I could do was my best 😉


Snatch ladder with double-unders

You start with 20 double-unders.  Double unders are performed when the participant needs to jump up higher than usual while swinging the rope twice under their feet.  The jump rope passes twice (DOUBLE) below the feet (UNDER).

Next you approach the snatch.  With a wide grip on the bar, start from the ground and snatch the bar above your head – keeping your hips and legs locked; then you drop when the judge says it’s good.

Then you continue on with 20 more double unders and then snatch. You have 50 seconds to complete each round and 10 seconds to move on to next weight.  The ladder started with 105 then went to 115 and kept going up. I made it to 115. I was happy with that.

This WOD is a long one, so here’s the link 😉 http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/regionals-individual

I would have enjoyed this workout but they took the top 18 and I placed 24th.

As far as next year goals, they are set high! I am happy to of made it this far in our region. Our region I believe is the most competitive region in the 5-state area. We have many females and males that have been to the CrossFit games. So making it in this region is even more rewarding knowing you’re competing with the best of the best.