Tag Archives: Metabolic Conditioning

The 2013 CrossFit Season –by Jessica Clay


The CrossFit Open is getting closer, only three months away and I am feeling ready! This year’s Open Registration starts Jan 30, with the Open going from March 6 to April 7.

“As the growth of the worldwide CrossFit community explodes, the 2013 season promises to be the biggest and best yet. In 2011, more than 26,000 athletes registered for the Open. In 2012, that number jumped to almost 70,000 participants. Think six figures this year. It will be simultaneously the fiercest and most inclusive competition we’ve ever seen.

The structure of the 2013 season is nearly identical to last year. The worldwide Open will lead into the same 17 Regionals, and the same number of athletes will qualify from each region to the Games.” Courtesy of CrossFit.com

Some of my Olympic lifting improvements over the past several months include personal records executing the following exercises:

  • Clean & Jerk
  • Snatch
  • Deadlift
  • Front & Back Squat

Metcon PR’s:

  • FRAN
  • Weighted FRAN
  • Elizabeth
  • Nate
  • Karen
  • Diane
  • Annie etc.

What is a Metcon?

Metcon is short for Metabolic Conditioning.  Metabolic Conditioning is an intense circuit-style workout that is one of the most popular training methods used in the CrossFit industry today. Metcon utilizes a combination of strength training exercises and anaerobic conditioning drills. Workouts may be timed (and usually are) with circuits consisting of 4 to 10 exercises performed in multiple rounds, with very little rest.

The goal of a Metcon is to complete your workout or circuit as quickly as possible while maintaining proper form and staying near your anaerobic threshold. This maximizes the challenge and your energy expenditure.

All of my skills have improved as well, so I am excited about this upcoming season!  Stay tuned for updates!