Tag Archives: Friendship

11 Reasons Why Women Should Do CrossFit -by Jessica Clay

1. CrossFit is Quick. We are all busy, it takes an hour out of your day to do a warm-up, skill/strength and a WOD (workout of the day), and mobility. All of that in one hour, WOW!
2. CrossFit Builds Confidence. When you are healthy, strong and fit, you have more confidence inside and outside of the gym.
3. CrossFit Strengthens. CrossFit utilizes Olympic style lifting, with the correct form women can lift heavy weight and move weight they never thought possible. Women, this will not make you bulky, but yes it will firm and tone those muscles! You’ll see an increase in strength and functional fitness, so your everyday activity you do throughout the day will be easier.
4. CrossFit Increases Your Metabolism. Added muscle will also help to boost your metabolic rate, which will greatly increase your fat loss progress.
5. CrossFit Enhances Your Cardiovascular Fitness. Crossfit style of workouts are much more  like interval training workouts, which bring about higher increases in your cardiovascular fitness and also increases your metabolic rate.
6. CrossFit Improves Core Strength. Most movements in CrossFit are compound movements which will build core strength, aka ABS!
7. CrossFit With Friends. Friendships are created, couples workout together, CF gyms are a great place to build and create lifelong friendships!
8. CrossFit Empowers. Many women start at a CF gym to lose weight but as time evolves women realize how awesome it is to feel and be STRONG!
9. CrossFit is FUN. CrossFit is constantly varied, there is always something new to be learned, nothing is the same boring routine. CrossFit is a community and there are always fun events and challenges going on. Nothing better than great friends, community, being healthy, and working out together and pushing each other!
10. CrossFit is Your Future Investment. I want to be fit after I have kids and bounce back to being fit, I want to be able to have energy for my kids as a mother/father, I don’t want to have bone density issues. I want to feel strong and healthy forever. This is a lifelong investment!
11. CrossFit is the Best Workout of Your Life. I hear this all the time, once you start you will never stop. Best workout EVER!!